Saturday, November 15, 2014

How to enable login to WSO2 API Manager Store using Facebook credentials

WSO2 Identity Server 5.0.0 release has provided several default federated authenticators like Google, Facebook, Yahoo. Even it's possible to write custom authenticator as well, in addition to default authenticators provided.

In this post we are going to demonstrate, how we can configure WSO2 API Manager with WSO2 Identity Server, so that users comes to API Store can use their Facebook account as well to login to API Store.

Step 1 : Configure SSO between API Store and API Publisher

First you need to configure SSO between publisher and store as mentioned in this document.

Step 2 : You need to have App Id and App secret key pair generated for a application registered in facebook developers site. This can be done by login to facebook developer site and creating a new app.

Step 3 :  Login to the Identity Server and register a IdP with Facebook authenticator

This can be done by navigating to Main -> Identity Providers -> Add. This will prompt the following window. In the "Federated Authenticators" section expand the "Facebook Configuration" and provide the details.

App Id and App Secrete generated in the step two maps to Client Id and Client Secret values asked in the form.

Step 4 : Go to the two service providers created in step-1 and associate the above created IdP to it.

This configuration is available under "Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration" section of the SP.

Step 5 : If you try to access store url (i.e: https://localhost:9443/store) , it should redirect to the facebook login page.

Step 6: In order to store users to capable in using their facebook account as a login, they need to follow this step and associate their facebook account to their user account in the API Store.

Identity Server has provided a dashboard which gives multiple features for users in maintaining their user accounts. Associating a social login for their account is a one option provided in this dashboard.

This dashboard can be accessed in the following url .

eg: https://localhost:9444/dashboard

Note: If you are running Identiry Server with port offset, you need to do changes mentioned here, in order to get this dashboard working.

Login to the dashboard with API Store user account. It will give you a dashboard like follows.

Click on the "View details" button provided in "Social Login" gadget. In the prompt window, there is a option to "Associate Social Login".  Click on this and give your Facebook account id as follows.

Once account is registered, it will list down as follows.

That's all we have to configure . This user should be able to login to API Store using his facebook account now.

Note: This post explained , when there is already a user account is exist in the API Store , how these users can associate their facebook account to authenticate to API Store. If someone needs to enable API Store login for all facebook accounts without having user account in API Store, that should be done though a custom authenticator added to Identity Server. i.e Provision this user using JIT (Just In Time Provisioning) functionality provided in IdP and using custom authenticator associate "subscriber" role to this provisioned user.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Exposing a SOAP service as a REST API using WSO2 API Manager

This post explains how we can publish an existing SOAP service as a  REST API using WSO2 API Manager.

We will be using a sample data-service called "OrderSvc"as the SOAP service which can be deployed as a SOAP service in WSO2 Data Services Server. But this could be any of SOAP service.

1. Service Description of ‘OrderSvc’ SOAP Backend Service

This “orderSvc” service provides WSDL with 3 operations (“submitOrder”, “cancelOrder”, “getOrderStatus”). 

submitOrder operation takes ProductCode and Quantity as parameters.
Sample request :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">


cancelOrder operation takes OrderId as parameter and does an immediate cancellation and returns a confirmation code.
Sample request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">

orderStatus operaioin takes the orderId as parameter and return the order status as response.
Sample request :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">

We need to expose this "OrderSvc" SOAP service as a REST API using API Manager. And once we exposed this as a REST API, “submitOrder”, “cancelOrder”, “getOrderStatus” operations should map to REST resources as bellow which takes the user parameters as query parameters.

“/submitOrder” (POST) => request does not contain order id or date; response is the full order payload.

“/cancelOrder/{id}” (GET) => does an immediate cancellation and returns a confirmation code.

“/orderStatus/{id}” (GET) => response is the order header (i.e., payload excluding line items).

Deploying the Data-Service :

1. Login to the MySQL and create a database called “demo_service_db” . (This database name can be anything , we need to update the data-service (.dbs file) accordingly).

mysql> create database demo_service_db;
mysql> demo_service_db;

2. Execute the dbscript given here on the above created database. This will create two tables ‘CustomerOrder’, ‘OrderStatus’ and one stored procedure ‘submitOrder’. Also it will insert some sample data into two tables.

3. Include mysql jdbc driver into DSS_HOME/repository/components/lib directory.

4. Download the data-service file given here. Before deploy this .dbs file, we need to modify the data source section defined in it. i.e in the downloaded orderSvc.dbs file, change the following properties by providing correct jdbcUrl ( need to point to the database that you created in step 1)  and change the userName/ Pwd of mysql connection, if those are different than the one defined here.

<config id="ds1">
     <property name="driverClassName">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
     <property name="url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demo_service_db</property>
     <property name="username">root</property>
     <property name="password">root</property>

5. Deploy the orderSvc.dbs file in Data services server by copying this file into “wso2dss-3.2.1/repository/deployment/server/dataservices” directory. Start the server.

6. Before expose through API Manager, check whether all three operations works as expected using try-it tool or SOAP-UI.

Sample request :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">

Response :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
     <submitOrderResponse xmlns="">

Sample request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
     <axis2ns1:REQUEST_STATUS xmlns:axis2ns1="">SUCCESSFUL</axis2ns1:REQUEST_STATUS>

Sample request :
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:dat="">

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
     <OrderStatus xmlns="">


2. Configuring API Manager

1. Download the custom sequence given here and save it to the APIM registry location “/_system/governance/apimgt/customsequences/in/”.  This can be done by login to the API Manager carbon management console. 

In the left menu section, expand the Resources -> Browse -> Go to "/_system/governance/apimgt/customsequences/in" -> Click in "Add Resource" -> Browse the file system and upload the "orderSvc_supporting_sequence.xml" sequence that downloaded above. Then click "Add". This step will save the downloaded sequence into registry.

4. Create orderSvc API by wrapping orderSvc SOAP service.

Login to the API Publisher and create a API with following info.

Name: orderSvc
Context: ordersvc
Version: v1

Resource definition1
URL Pattern: submitOrder
Method: POST

Resource definition2
URL Pattern: cancelOrder/{id}
Method: GET

Resource definition3
URL Pattern: orderStatus/{id}
Method: GET

Endpoint Type:* : Select the endpoint type as Address endpoint. And go to the “Advanced Options” and select the message format as “SOAP 1.1”.
Production Endpoint:https://localhost:9446/services/orderSvc/ (Give the OrderSvc service endpoint)

Tier Availability : Unlimited

Sequences : Click on the Sequences checkbox and selected the previously saved custom sequence under “In Flow”.

Publish the API into gateway.

We are done with the API creation.

Functionality of the custom sequence "orderSvc_supporting_sequence.xml"

OrderSvc backend service expecting a SOAP request while user invoking API by sending parameters as query parameters (i.e cancelOrder/{id}, orderStatus/{id}).

This custom sequence will take care of building SOAP payload required for cancelOrder, orderStatus operations by looking at the incoming request URI and the query parameters.

Using a switch mediator, it read the request path . i.e 

<switch xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns3="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd" source="get-property('REST_SUB_REQUEST_PATH')">

Then check the value of request path using a regular expression and construct the payload either for cancelOrder or orderStatus according to the matched resource. i.e

<case regex="/cancelOrder.*">
    <payloadFactory media-type="xml">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
                <soapenv:Body xmlns:dat="">
            <arg evaluator="xml" expression="get-property('')"/>
    <header name="Action" scope="default" value="urn:cancelOrder"/>

<case regex="/orderStatus.*">
    <payloadFactory media-type="xml">
            <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
                <soapenv:Body xmlns:dat="">
            <arg evaluator="xml" expression="get-property('')"/>
    <header name="Action" scope="default" value="urn:orderStatus"/>

Test OrderSvc API published in API Manager

Login to the API Store and subscribe to the OrderSvc API and generate a access token. Invoke the orderStatus resource as given bellow. This will call to OrderSvc SOAP service and give you the response.

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer  _smfAGO3U6mhzFLro4bXVEl71Gga" http://localhost:8280/order/v1/orderStatus/3

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to get a JSON response with WSO2 Data Services Server (wso2dss) ?

Latest version of DSS can be downloaded from here. (At the moment it's wso2dss-3.1.1).

Data Services Server support for both XML and JSON outputs. In order to get a JSON output, you need to change following configurations.

Add following parameter to 'axis2.xml' and in 'axis2_client.xml'. (In axis2_client.xml this parameter is already there, but its default value is set to false. These two files are located in '{DSS_HOME}/repository/conf/axis2/' directory).

'<parameter name="httpContentNegotiation">true</parameter>'

Note that if you are using tenant, then the above parameter need to be set in 'tenant-axis2.xml' as well.

Restart the server. We are done.

We need to use content-negotiation when doing the requests. i.e We need to pass 'Accept' header with the request. Example request done for customersInBoston operation in the RDBMSSample is given bellow. (This sample 'RDBMSSample' service is deployed in server by default).

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" http://localhost:9783/services/samples/RDBMSSample/customersInBoston

{"customers":{"customer":[{"customer-name":"","contact-last-name":"Yoshido","contact-first-name":"Juri","phone":"6175559555","city":"Boston","country":"USA"},{"customer-name":"Diecast Collectables","contact-last-name":"Franco","contact-first-name":"Valarie","phone":"6175552555","city":"Boston","country":"USA"}]}}