Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Retrieve data from Google spreadsheet and insert data into a database using WSO2 Data Service Server

WSO2 Data Service Server allows to expose the data stored in data sources such as relational databases, CSV files , MS-Excel files and Google spreadsheets as web services.

Think a situation where you have added thousands of data in some google spreadsheets and now you want to insert these data into a database for the propose of using data for multiple applications. If you are going to do this by manually then you will be in a big trouble. You can simply write a data service using the WSO2 Data Service Server which will automate this task. Here no need to have any programming language, we can do it by using some MySQL and data service.

You will be using following features provide by WSO2 Data Service Server when writing this data service.
    - using a Google Spreadsheet as a data source. 
    - nested query feature.
    - call MySQL Stored Procedure from Data Service

The spread sheet that contains data is,
Column titles in the spread sheet is important when writing the query to retrieve data.

And database that going to insert data is patch_details and we are going to insert data into two tables patch & customer.

mysql> create database patch_details;
mysql> use patch_details;

Since there is more than one table to insert data, we can write a stored procedure that will insert the data into tables at once.
If data taken from the google spreadsheet is going to insert into a one table, then no need to write a stored procedure.

CREATE PROCEDURE `insertPatchData`(IN patchName varchar(256), IN svnRevision varchar(256), IN releaseDate varchar(256), IN customerName varchar(256))
    DECLARE customerAvailable INT DEFAULT 0;
    DECLARE patchAvailable INT DEFAULT 0;
    SET customeravAilable = 0;
    SET patchAvailable = 0;

    SELECT STR_TO_DATE(releaseDate, '%m/%d/%Y') INTO @date;
    SELECT 1 INTO patchAvailable FROM patch WHERE PATCH_NAME = patchName;
    IF patchAvailable !=1     
        INSERT INTO patch (PATCH_NAME, SVN_REVISION, DESCRIPTION, RELEASE_DATE) VALUES (patchName, svnRevision,description, @date);
    END IF;
    IF NOT customerName IS NULL
        SELECT 1 INTO customerAvailable FROM customer WHERE CUSTOMER_NAME = customerName;
        IF customerAvailable != 1
            INSERT INTO customer (CUSTOMER_NAME) values (customerName);
        END IF;
    END IF;

Now create the data service:
Add google spreadsheet as a data source

<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>

Add patch_details database as a data source.

<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>
   <config id="PatchDB">
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.protocol">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/patch_details</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.user">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.password">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.minpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.maxpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.validation_query"></property>

Create a query that retrieve the data from google spread sheet.
In this query the column names of the output mappings should be same as the column titles in spreadsheet.

<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">  
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>
   <config id="PatchDB">     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.protocol">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/patch_details</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.user">root</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.password">root</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.minpoolsize"></property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.maxpoolsize"></property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.validation_query"></property>  
   <query id="getPatches" useConfig="Gspread">     
      <result element="patches" rowName="patch">        
         <element name="PatchName" column="Patch Name" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Client" column="Client" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Date" column="Date" xsdType="xs:date" />        
         <element name="Description" column="JIRA/Issue Description" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="SVNRevision" column="SVN Revision" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Fixedby" column="Fixed by" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Notes" column="Additional Comments" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Jars" column="Jars " xsdType="xs:string" />     

Then create a operation that use the above query. Using that operation we can test whether query works properly.

<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">  
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>
   <config id="PatchDB">     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.protocol">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/patch_details</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.user">root</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.password">root</property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.minpoolsize"></property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.maxpoolsize"></property>     
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.validation_query"></property>  
   <query id="getPatches" useConfig="Gspread">     
      <result element="patches" rowName="patch">        
         <element name="PatchName" column="Patch Name" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Client" column="Client" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Date" column="Date" xsdType="xs:date" />        
         <element name="Description" column="JIRA/Issue Description" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="SVNRevision" column="SVN Revision" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Fixedby" column="Fixed by" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Notes" column="Additional Comments" xsdType="xs:string" />        
         <element name="Jars" column="Jars " xsdType="xs:string" />     
   <operation name="getPatchData">     
      <call-query href="getPatches" />  

Click on the try it and check whether operation works properly.
It should return the all patch details when you click on the operation.

Create a query that calls to the 'insertPatchData' stored procedure which is used to insert data into tables.
<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>
   <config id="PatchDB">
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.protocol">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/patch_details</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.user">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.password">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.minpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.maxpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.validation_query"></property>
   <query id="getPatches" useConfig="Gspread">
      <result element="patches" rowName="patch">
         <element name="Client" column="Client" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Date" column="Date" xsdType="xs:date" />
         <element name="Description" column="JIRA/Issue Description" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="SVNRevision" column="SVN Revision" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Fixedby" column="Fixed by" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Notes" column="Additional Comments" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Jars" column="Jars " xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="PatchName" column="Patch Name" xsdType="xs:string" />
   <query id="insertPatchTodb" useConfig="PatchDB">
      <sql>CALL insertPatchData(?, ?, ?, ?)</sql>
      <param name="patchName" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="1" />
      <param name="svnRevision" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="2" />
      <param name="releaseDate" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="3" />
      <param name="customerName" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="4" />
   <operation name="getPatchData">
      <call-query href="getPatches" />

Then you need to give the data retrieved from the google spreadsheet as input to the "insertPatchTodb" query.
To do this use Data Service nested query feature and call insertPatchTodb query inside getPatches query.

<data name="PatchDetailsDataService" enableBatchRequests="false" enableBoxcarring="false" serviceStatus="active">
   <config id="Gspread">
      <property name="gspread_datasource">https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?key=tXMHzbjQmQy8KHiaSDR8_PA&amp;hl=en#gid=0</property>
      <property name="gspread_visibility">private</property>
      <property name="gspread_username">user@gmail.com</property>
      <property name="gspread_password">password</property>
   <config id="PatchDB">
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.driver">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.protocol">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/patch_details</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.user">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.password">root</property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.minpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.maxpoolsize"></property>
      <property name="org.wso2.ws.dataservice.validation_query"></property>
   <query id="getPatches" useConfig="Gspread">
      <result element="patches" rowName="patch">
         <element name="Client" column="Client" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Date" column="Date" xsdType="xs:date" />
         <element name="Description" column="JIRA/Issue Description" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="SVNRevision" column="SVN Revision" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Fixedby" column="Fixed by" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Notes" column="Additional Comments" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="Jars" column="Jars " xsdType="xs:string" />
         <element name="PatchName" column="Patch Name" xsdType="xs:string" />
         <call-query href="insertPatchTodb">
            <with-param name="patchName" query-param="Patch Name" />
            <with-param name="svnRevision" query-param="SVN Revision" />
            <with-param name="releaseDate" query-param="Date" />
            <with-param name="customerName" query-param="Client" />
   <query id="insertPatchTodb" useConfig="PatchDB">
      <sql>CALL insertPatchData(?, ?, ?, ?)</sql>
      <param name="patchName" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="1" />
      <param name="svnRevision" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="2" />
      <param name="releaseDate" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="3" />
      <param name="customerName" paramType="SCALAR" sqlType="STRING" type="IN" ordinal="4" />
   <operation name="getPatchData">
      <call-query href="getPatches" />

Now when you execute the 'getPatchData' operation both data retrieving from google spreadsheet and inserting data to tables is happenning.
Check the two tables.Data should have entered.
mysql> select * from patch;
mysql> select * from customer;

Monday, December 27, 2010

Split Strings in MySQL

MySQL does not have a built in function to split a comma separated string. But it is important to have such  function in some cases.

Think there is a string that contains several names separated by commas and you want to insert each of them separately into a table.

You can write your own MySQL function to do this.

Syntax for create a function is as follows,

CREATE FUNCTION function_name ([parameterlist]) RETURNS datatype
     RETURN value_to_return;

Following function takes three arguments and it returns the pointed element in given string.

CREATE FUNCTION split_string(

stringToSplit (VARCHAR(256), sign VARCHAR(12), position INT) RETURNS VARCHAR(256)
        RETURN REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(stringToSplit, sign, position),
LENGTH(SUBSTRING_INDEX(stringToSplit, sign, position -1)) + 1), sign, '');

Given String = 'Dinusha,Nuwan,Nirosh'
Need to take second name separated by comma. For that, function call will look likes follows,

mysql> select split_string('Dinusha,Nuwan,Nirosh',',', 2) as name;
| name     |
| Nuwan |

This query can be used to get how many comma signs are in the input string

SELECT LENGTH(stringToSplit) - LENGTH(REPLACE(stringToSplit, ',', '')) INTO noOfCommas;

mysql> SELECT LENGTH('Dinusha,Nuwan,Nirosh') - LENGTH(REPLACE('Dinusha,Nuwan,Nirosh', ',', '')) INTO @noOfCommas;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> select @noOfCommas;
| @noOfCommas |
|           2        |
Using above query and split_string function, we can write a stored procedure that do some SQL operations on each element of given string.

Following stored procedure will split the string and insert the spitted strings into a table.

CREATE PROCEDURE insertEngineer( IN engineerName varchar(256))
    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `engineer` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`NAME` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
    SET y = 1;  
    IF NOT engineerName IS NULL 
           SELECT LENGTH(engineerName) - LENGTH(REPLACE(engineerName, ',', '')) INTO @noOfCommas; 
           IF  @noOfCommas = 0 
                 INSERT INTO engineer(NAME) VALUES(engineerName); 
                SET x = @noOfCommas + 1; 
                WHILE y  <=  x DO 
                   SELECT split_string(engineerName, ',', y) INTO @engName; 
                   INSERT INTO engineer(NAME) VALUES(@engName); 
                   SET  y = y + 1; 
                END WHILE; 
        END IF; 
    END IF; 

Example of using stored procedure

mysql> call insertEngineer('dinusha,nuwan,nirosh');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.12 sec)
mysql> select * from engineer;
| ID | NAME  |
|  1 | dinusha  |
|  2 | nuwan   |
|  3 | nirosh   |

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Creating a Desktop Launcher for Intelij IDEA

If we use windows operating system, it's really easy to startup Intelij IDEA by just double clicking the shortcut appears on the desktop. But when we are using Linux environment it is not that much easier. We have to open a terminal and change directory to Intelij IDEA location and run the idea.sh shell script. This process is time wasting and boring. But we can create a Desktop Launcher and open the Intelij IDEA by just double clicking it like we are doing in the windows.

It is really easy to create a Launchers in Ububtu. Follow the steps to create a launcher for start intelij idea.

1. Right click anywhere on the desktop backgroun and click on "Create Launcher..." in the drop down menu.
It will give you the following window,

2. In Name text field give name for the launcher. Then you need to give the command to execute the idea.sh. For that browse to your intelij idea folder and select the idea.sh file. To make it as executing command type "sh" to the beginning of the command text.

3. Click ok button. It will create a desktop launcher for intelij idea. You just need to double click on that icon to open the idea.

You can read more about the Launchers from following url.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to configure Huwawei E1550 USB modem on Ubuntu 10.04 ?

You need to add following rules file to configure the E1550 USB modem on Ubuntu 10.04.

$vi /etc/udev/rules.d/15-huwawei-155x.rules

ATTRS{idVendor}=="12d1" ,
RUN+="/lib/udev/modem-modeswitch --vendor 0x12d1 --product 0x1446 --type option-zerocd"
Then save the file. That's it.

Brief look into above rules file. For that you need to know what udev means.

The udev provides a dynamic device directory containing only the files for actually presented devices.
Usually udev runs and receives events directly from the kernel if a device is added or removed from the system.
If a udev receives a device event, it matches its configured rules against the available device attributes provided in sysfs to identify the device.
The udev rules are read from the files located in the following locations,
  • default rules directory - /lib/udev/rules.d/
  • custom rules directory - /dev/udev/rules.d/
  • temporary rules directory - /dev/.udev/rules.d/

The rules files are stored and process in lexical order. Files with the same name in /etc/udev/rules.d have higher precedence than the files in /lib/udev/rules.d. This feature can be used to ignore a default rules file if needed.

You can find more information about udev from its man page.
man udev 
Also you can find more information about writing udev rules from here,

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

University Life @ pera

It was 31st August 2010,
It's exactly 4 years and 3 months gone from I have entering to the University.....
I left the loving pera....
It's really hard to imagine we are no more belongs to Uni life...
But those memories will last forever...!!!